Sunday, February 17, 2019

Indian Army vs Indian Cypriots

Shortly after the distribution of the subcontinent, India had started conspiracy against Pakistan. Occupied Kashmir, Jinnah and the dungeon captured the occupants while working under a regular plan to break the second area of ​​Pakistan. In the occupied Kashmir Indian army has suffered severe resistance since the beginning of the day. After the Ninth Aiwan-e-Insaf, the Indian army spent a billion dollars in order to stop Kashmir from Azad Kashmir. Despite this, the Indian Army has increased more than the decrease in the attacks. After the fencing of the Lane of Control, the Indian army signed more technology by dealing with its friendly friends and helpers with Israel, as an Indian donkey. The large number of Zionists found the opportunity to give this opportunity to provide modern weapons to the Leopard army to deal with the Mujahideen. Equipped with Israeli and American technology, the Indian army started to understand itself as the Big Thatta Khan. If Gadar dies, the city runs towards the same way as the Indian army falls in a hurry, it comes to a rift with Pakistan. The British soldiers understood themselves as Pharaoh and started massacre in the population of Kashmir as well. This is In the year 2018, Indian forces reported 2350 infringement, which killed 36 civilians, while 142 people were injured. Indian attacks increased last year compared to the year 2017. Earlier in the year 2017, Indian forces had violated a fire-fighting agreement of 1970 times. Bogus will be attacked by the enemy, notating the new citizens and stirring the Pakistaniis. Pakistani senators present in Azad Kashmir also decided to tie the Indian Army. With the help of resources available by Pakistani counppers and sniper guns, the Indian soldiers had a long time to attack Sunnis that the air fired from the Indian firms, and instead of getting out of the Indian army on line-off control like Afghanistan Used to cover the tablets using scales. Where is the Indian senator who lives in safe monuments with cheers and where the lightweight Pakistani senator who fought the Pharaoh's time. Any intellectuals of the world will recognize it as competition, the matter did not end here, but the whole of India got annoyed. The government is killing our son, many Indian analysts also accused the Indian army of killing their own soldiers instead of recognizing the Sunnis attacks. The government faced opposition from the opposition in the Parliamentary Parliament of Senegal. On the other hand, the Indian Army will also be afraid of the companions (instead of going out of the Pakistani neck) will be taken away), instead of the long war, some of these sniper events attacked the Indian government and the army seriously and Indian seriously began to consider blocking Suniper attacks. Under this scheme, the Indian Army has decided to stop more than 6,000 expensive sniper guns to prevent Kashmir-free Kashmir from coming Kashmir and prevent sanipulating attacks. Here it is worth considering that the number of times the trick and weapons are not displayed in the war. These figures are kept very secretive, which do not have access to large officers and ministers. What is the reason that Indian people are beginning to highlight their weapons in front of media around the globe? There are simple reasons for this:
1. In recent years, Pakistani counpers support large scale massacres of Indian Army and support the deadly losses.
2. To make pressure on the next and near future of the Indian army, to make pressure and environmentally friendly.
3. Modi's five-year army and a sharp fall in popularity, an exhibition of winning the election

A few weeks earlier, according to a report, Indian Army is facing a financial crisis, sinking heavy loads of military salaries and pensions, 24% of the defense budget is going on in the same direction, the salary of youth's youth On the other hand, army headquarters in the denial are very uncomfortable. On the other hand, military officers were refused to pay for travel and residential costs for temporary duty and important meetings, military officers were also prohibited from staying in hotels. The Indian Army is currently suffering from severe financial crisis, the military salaries of the invaders are so high that the treasury is sinking Yes, Indian newspaper India Times revealed that 24 per cent of the Indian war budget is spent in salaries and pensions, in this situation the salary of the ministry has to be tightened in the army on the denial of the Finance Ministry. While eating is not the money, the people are hungry and India is going to take another trouble by suffering from its war crimes. Announcement of Buying Sniper Guns is just news of news, only a few counting numbers could buy India now and connected to the rest of the budget. The technical support team and training teams of some rifles reaching India will come to India for heavy compensation and will run the Indian Army training program regarding the gun which will cover several months.

After that, after preparing a billions of rupees of ammunitions from these guns, some Indian trainers will be prepared, their training courses will be run in the Indian Army, which will cover over nine years and the revenue of the rupees will be arranged. . After that, whatever India wants to do is noisy, he is now engaged in slaughtering, and it is possible that the next scandals in the Indian Defense Ministry or the army emerged as "Mahan Suniper Guns". Indian defense artists may not yet guess that the censorship rifles they are going to buy are the world's most expensive companies / Rifles. That will be the additional cost of their training and technical support after purchase. More than that, the highest expensive ammonation in the world is gaming them, where one round will be from 2000 to Rs 3000. Which India's army's "modern sniper rifles" will not be anything other than the burden on Indian donkeys in a short period of time.

An army with which its personnel meet hardly to give food, in the event of war, all arms will be eliminated in a few days "and what is to say about the weapons of war, they are definitely in this new move. Soon it will be found in the closed street and there is no option other than the Indian army having to die or to bury in this situation, and facing every moment of fear of death

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