Friday, February 1, 2019

A woman is eternal life

Before creating the universe, the Creator, Akbar and Absolutely must have thought if the world is to be created and the man is to create, then what is the first requirement, the creator has suggested the woman's name ...!
Indeed Creator created a person named Adam, Adam and he was guided, but there was no one before him for guidance. Then creator created a creature for him whose name was named Woman and Name Eve ... But Na'am was a father at that time and neither was a mother ... Creator named a woman and a man named husband and wife ... then created one of them in the name of the child, and kept the love of both of them in it ... then these requirements To accomplish, there are many creatures who serve them.
When Adam created the person, said to the angels, prostrate him ... O God! It has never happened that someone who bowed before you bowed in front of someone else, but the command was god, Noor prostrated before Khak and they became headed.
O God! Then, when you needed the race for Adam, you created a creature like this and put it in the same way as it kept in the man ... Wow God! Then your wisdom created an example of them that they were without meaningless understanding of each other, and today, this chain continues, and will continue to continue.
What is the woman ... This is the open book that will read new times, new ones will appear ... every chapter of it has new titles, but this story is very beautiful, without the world it is meaningless and unique ... it is love and life The demand head is a spring.

All the parts of the woman's life are great, she is a mother, 'Are you a daughter,' you are a sister or a wife ... but think that everyone's duty is equal. 'If not a wife, mother does not become mother and mother is not a daughter, sister and brother If you do not know what you are doing, then you will be able to do this.
Mother is the mother of human beings 'mother' mother ... mother is only mother, she has no nationality nor a race ... she is the goddess of love. God also has accepted his love and mother also Is a woman There is no shoe in mother's feet but Paradise is definitely ... the best shoe on the head of the father and the finest shoe in 'feet', but he is mentally intelligent and spiritually a woman. All the sixth lord's crown goes to the head of a woman who is a custodian of her honor, who is the mother of her children, who is a man's spiritual and physical restraint. Therefore respect the "book woman" respectively. Wait ... less than a servant ...!
The Prophet also needs a woman ... Woman gave birth to the Prophet ... God gave daughters to the prophets and gave the son ... the prophets took birth from the women's womb ... the woman made them 'the lions to give their lips Kissing 'kissed those predecessors who prostrated before God ... the woman gave food and patience to them in the chest of their chest ... every born person is a need for a woman' part of the body's body.
The logo And laugh! And bad luck! You have sent a woman 'sold it to the market of the world', buried him in the living ground, what is his sin ... did not God make him a woman ... did not you create it? Did not you get rid of it? Did not you bring it to the head market ... you did not wish to see her dresses 
Male and female Understand that he is the first son, then mother of your children ... mother then mother ... respect the word mother. The life of the mother is written by the Lord ... strange ... your youth ... power ... only makes love only in childbirth ... it grows old in the rituals ... but removes its fat from seeing the children young

There is one but it is four and every woman is in every form ... there is a passion of every woman ... relationship ... the place ... is the place ... respects ... ... is honesty ... is the responsibility ... but the position of the woman is the real and real sheet And there is a plan.
The woman is the main role of society ... man is around her but also the whole community circumcision. What kind of woman should be considered sacred? This discrimination is very difficult ... in which one is seen as a dictator ... there is only difference, otherwise the view of all women is similarly in the form of a mountain ... this sex is fascinating And the wisdom and wisdom of God is the perfect example ... !! The system is the main role in the system.
The woman is actually the second name of the sacrifice ... it rule over the soul, but it is self-esteem ... it is said to be a farm for men ... the eyes are the same, but it sees the light of God in a different way. Is ... every woman's boundaries have been set. The relationship of some makes God and does not break, and makes some God, but man breaks it ... the relationship is the strongest and the weakest, the one who calls "couple pairs on the sky." Why are they breaking the ground ... on their behavior I have expressed my thoughts on the book "Woman" ...!
As my thoughts have traveled and have reviewed the behavior of the woman, the way I have expressed my opinion, the fact that my reader should agree with me, but I will definitely know that the woman has considered the name.
When the woman's name comes, she is considered a companion of life. The first woman is in the form of a wife, then in the form of a mother, in the form of sister and daughter, when all of them are mixed, she is named Namus.

The most delicate form of marriage is the wife, which is a major role in man's life, but the purpose of making the world is the same, and most of the tears and lions are the same ... ... if not become broken and does not break ... love and love also create the same relationship; this is the precious asset of man's life ... without it is no home ... this is a blessing of generation. The rest of the relationships have their own meaning ... wife means the soul of life ... a gravity ... a reality riding on mind ... !!
The woman does not own her house and all the houses are her own, because without her home there is no home ... accommodation and residence ... woman guarantees peace in the society if tea is not a sin on earth ... it's good to her character.
In all my writings I have mentioned the woman and the other like this, have kept her title "Woman".
My reader has permission to set up his opinion on it, criticize 'despite keeping better knowledge, my reader can not refuse that his life remains in the marriage of the woman' otherwise it is permissible for the rest of life to be fulfilled. Go ... Man thinks most of the women that God made it for him. The woman had taken Baba Jan from heaven ... just listen to her, but do the act as much as your mind says. Do not use the woman's wisdom It is poor, and her decisions are weak against men, but advise her if you want easy life in life and need peace.
My book in this book "Woman" as I've seen, read and write, have written my ideas on her role honestly. Now the reader depends on how to look at him, 'read' thinks, 'I have set my opinion on the woman.'

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