Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Madness and its losses of the PUBAG game

Pay-per-change changes in technology have a lot of video games, where many benefits on one side are visible, so many losses have also emerged. Computer technology and Internet has made youngsters and video games very cheap and easy for kids. In the millions of games, pocket gaming is affecting every type of game. The youngest youth are doing only this game in the night for more than a day, it is dangerous for the game's play. The game maker of the Falklandey firm, Super Seoul and South Korea, has been told that the light-emitting light in the pocket g video game produces frequent pestilence in gameplayers and also The newsletters is that this video game like this and the game gets too much to play in the hands. It also warns that the game demonstrates the acceleration of bones and muscles due to the acceleration. Due to the continuous movement of mobile pangs, the intense finger is very harmful, while playing video games Due to acceleration, the eyes have a bad effect. Magnetic waves are coming out of the mobile screen due to which the eyes are red and red. It is because of the lack of self-esteem in the game players, they become psychiatric patients. In the form of killing others, by killing others, they are enjoyed by destroying their property. Players receive a fake chicken dinner prize till the final game end. Kids and especially young people learn this type of video game by learning new ways and methods of crime by playing with them, these games create skillful skills such as violence, kill and fighting in which they play video games It is a game that has bleeding and guilt in the past. 

Gamers play a weapon, gun, gun, and the name of the drug. With this game drug abuse, violence in this game It is common to use hideouts, killings, hide hide, fighting between groups, nervous and general words. . For the general person, the concepts and words that were considered to be considered as an obligation, are now in life through these games.They are going to settle down, and society is accepting them and accepting them as a result of their multi-use.

 What effects, violence, killings and scenarios of war will be commonly affected by ordinary people and children's mental health. This does not have any surveillance for mobile and game companies. But this question is extremely important for society that what will happen to the nation's moral future after the spread of violent and ethical video video games. It is imperative that we deal with these challenges and problems and to our children. Give your role to save things from social adverse effects so that our future can safeguard it. Literature, moral, integrity, patience, patience, patience for the generation of such mobile games and internet shadows. And words like suspension will become wonderful. And the coming generation will be surprised by the use of these words.

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