Sunday, February 3, 2019

In this difficult period, energy is dependent on alternative sources

The man always keeps in touch with his needs, shielding himself around his needs and created himself for himself, today we are passing through where everything is possible, and every impossible thing possible Those who are always searching for research and research. The biggest source of energy throughout the world is oil, which is moving the sector of transport, while on the other hand, the power of the same oil is generated by the remaining industries. By running, we are providing jobs to the country. Along with this, home appliances and machines are getting their luxuries. Like oil, there is no wealth in every country, but those whom they are benefiting from it. The oil revenues from the country's economic exchange include a period of prosperity, with its economy strengthening, then the modern cities of the desert world change and become the center of the world. Other countries who depend on energy only oil are buying expensive oils and weakening their economy by giving their exchange to others. As our situation is, we are compelled to import almost all of the items needed by oil, so our imports are high and the export is low, that is why we have an awful break in every day on debt burden. This situation has been going for many decades, even the rulers who come to power are required to land buses. The amount of debt will be returned to those countries again and again in the same way as imported items and oil purchases. Are there
But they are relying on while saving energy from other sources, rather than buying more oils. These countries are most likely to meet alternative needs of fuel. Brazil's example is in front of everyone in the world, where 70 to 80 percent of the vehicles run on "fly-feels", Brazilian people come to see petrol pumps that petrol is cheap or economical today, those people re-calculate By buying any of these alternatives, buy fuel. The Brazilian bio-ethanol fuels is getting from its agricultural crop, which includes folds and slices, Brazil is the first to produce grain in the world. In 2015, a Pakistani-based scientist, Dr Almas Taj, who was in Brazil for more than ten years, told the introduction of biotechnology technology for Pakistani vehicles. He told that since now this technology has not been introduced in Pakistan, its utility is not ordinary. He revealed that every kind of agricultural waste can be a useful thing. The condition is to be studied. While further saying that Brazil is the largest exporter of orange worldwide. That's why they are driving their vehicles by producing ethanol fuels

 A fresh news about nuclear fuel is from neighboring country India. At most of the ethnal fuels in India there are motorcycles and riders running. India's transport minister Nitin Goode told her parliament last day that the preparation of alternative fuel-powered motorcycles and auto racks has started massively, which she also inspected herself. These vehicles will be run from ethanol fuel and other alternative energy, while the Ajax company is preparing it, he said, he has not yet been offered to the market for consumers who will be offered for sale soon. Giving details about using Ethanol as an alternative fuel in the meeting of Good Cri, Good Curry said that efforts are being made to promote athlete in the future, despite the rising prices of petrol and diesel. A year ago, in February 2018, a motorcycle was developed which runs from ethanol fuel. In India, heavy vehicles will continue to operate rapidly, and by 2030, India will run athletic vehicles with electric vehicles on the strips of India. In addition, many of the world's countries are transforming their transport to electric energy instead of oil. Similarly, electrical processes are derived from nuclear technology, wind, wind, and silular energy rather than expensive furnace oils.

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