Saturday, February 9, 2019

Bengal lion broke the kimmel of Gujarati Kalam

The back of the CBI is the BJP's prosperity. Forty-two thieves tried to raid at the house of Rajivakkambar's police chief in West Bengal. Mamta Banerjee opened the field to take political advantage of this night blood. This apparent attack on CBI against Rajiv Kumar is actually the battle of Mamata and Modi. All this is due to the conservative names, for example, Mamta comes to mind mother's mind, although Mamata Banerjee did not give birth to her marriage, because the question of children and Mamta was not born. Similarly, as the Central Bureau of Investigation, it seems that it is an institutional institution in the central government, which is all around India as a central government. This is a very misunderstanding. On the Internet, the CBI official website has described its background and background. By clicking this, all the elephants slide automatically.

The purpose of establishing a BBI website is to prevent bribery in the context of the Second World War. In addition to the war, further investigations of corruption in railway and other matters were added to its scope. The authority of this institution, established in 1941, ended in 1946. After this Delhi was given the right to investigate the CBI under the Special Police Appointment Act, 1046 AD. With this, it is also recorded that the CBI's scope will be limited to Union Terry Territories (Delhi, Chandigarh, Andaman Nembran etc. etc.). In connection with Section 5 (1) of the contract, it will be investigated in other provinces of the country. The state government has to get verification. In the light of this introduction, it is clear that under the Central Government, CBI is not a countrywide institution. This union is not authorized to work outside the tractors without the permission of the provincial government. That is why when Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandra Babu Naidu stopped her from working in her province, she was not violated by the Constitution.

There is a divisional structure within the country, which is responsible for establishing the management of the provincial government. In this context, if the recent incidents of West Bengal are reviewed, the CBI seems to be an open violation of the Constitution to take the state government without taking the trust. He had done this by hitting his limits and weaknesses and also gave the right to the provincial government. The CBI's accusation may be true that despite sending the Sammas three times in the past, Rajiv Kumar is not supporting even though he has no right to arrest any of the warrants. Therefore, CBI Officers' arrest is the exact action of the law. Rajiv Kumar is not a criminal offender to speak about 40 people in his half in the middle of his residence. This is also the insult of the government with the Chief Officer of the Police under which he is working. Therefore, Mamata Banerjee's duty is to be held in favor of Rajiv Kumar and it is a protest against the oppression. It is their responsibility to keep up the political profits and restore the reputation of the officer of his province.

On the capture of the CBI officers, the media calling Mamata Banerjee badly should also consider the use of this institution through the Central Chief. They should ask their conscience whether it is really done to put an end to corruption by the CBI? If so, Javed Ahmed, a 160-month-old experience of corruption investigations, is not being headed by the Chief Executive Officer prior to all kindergarten Rishi Kumar Shukla in this field. One aspect is that the BJP and its supporters in the country have power over many provinces, they all are milked. Is none of them involved in corruption? Ever since this government has become dominant, has CBI handled the leader of the ruling party?
As long as the BSP was likely to come up with the BJP, Mayawati was not a corrupt as soon as he joined the SP with both the CBI's eyes and the raids were killed. In Bihar, Nitish Kumar, as long as with Lalu Yadav, the CBI was investigating surgeon scam as soon as he went to a cold bed with a BJP. According to Trinamool's opinion, as long as Mamta was in CBI's opinion, he was considered corrupt as soon as he came to BJP. This is the case of Haimant Basva Sharma, after joining the BJP, his name disappeared from the FIR. What are the different colors of corruption? If there is saffron, then it is permissible to be lawful and righteous, blue or green. Such misconduct does not end but promote.
Watan Aziz, the tsunami tsunami's estimate can be gauged that the officials of the same agency are accused of bribery against the CBI officers investigating it. Instead of being punished, they are saved by being punished. It shows that they collect bribery in their interest on the indicators of their mastermind. Alok Kumar, who accused Rushesh Kumar against Rushis Rehman and accused him of being truthful, should be arrested. If those allegations are a lie, then the accused should be punished by a criminal offense. If the Nagariwars of Raghpur surrendered charges of Sabaramnum Swami, if they are correct, their interim head should not be made and if they are unconstitutional, then Swami ji should not be kept behind the jail bars with the Asaram Bipo.

CBI being arrested as a holy cow is being questioned as a serious problem, though it is a minor matter. On August 18, 2017, Guwahati police arrested Deputy Superintendent of CBI named Parrison Shading. Because he tried to lodge an IRS officer's wife. ASP Parabhi Mujadarar of the Satisfaction Police Station said that the designation of the accused will not be considered in our work. Our work is to restore justice by effective investigation. People of CBI also hold other IB officers, including the IBs and handed them to the police. The CBI arrested and arrested the IB officers monitoring the house of Ayokk Kumar. The poles also treat it each other, for instance, in Delhi, two police officers were arrested in the Supreme District of Bihar at the Supreme Court hearing on the Supreme Court.
Description of this incident is very interesting. In the spring district of Spring, Assistant Sub Inspector S. Dutt and Head Constable, Delhi Police Officer, arrived in search of an abducted girl and took her in custody along with her boy. In the case of Asararo, the people saw that the police were inxicated. . He made his news related to the relevant department. After two hours elephant, the Delhi People's Day examined breathing. The Inspector inspected the machine after being confirmed by the court. Similar to this incident, Kolkata's tragedy is also the fact that the girl's offense was abused. This girl said that in the love of Raja, both of them have married and prospered and are enjoying prosperity. All the guilty is the father of a girl who sent a lie to the people who were arrested. The same case is also of CBI officers. The father who sent all the trespasses. He stuck in loyalty to the reason. In fact, if there is a CBI, if i am in the IB or in the law of the law, it will be punished. It will not work with any institution.

Last week, Modi ji addressing a general public in western Bengal called the Chief Minister badly, but since the conflicts occurred in the middle, 40 minutes of speech switched back in 14 minutes. The people of Gymphir encouraged them. He intends to send Yogi to fulfill his courageous task, so that he may take Lamba from his burning tail. Mamta Banerjee did not allow Yogi helicopter to land. By ignoring Modi, he sent CBI to revenge. In response, CBI officers arrested and sent the jail. Mamta sat on media while sitting on protest with her cabinet. The central government reached the court by taking a complaint, crying like a child crushed. The court tries both tears. Rajiv Kumar interfered with the CBI and stopped the CBI from arresting. This decision is the moral victory of Mamata Banerjee. After this political crackdown, Modi should take as an awkward way in the way that India's Dargha Darra used to be Indra Gandhi during the time, as is currently the Bengali darga of Mamata Banerjee. She touched her opponents as a hungry lion. Is thrown away.

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