Saturday, February 2, 2019

After the withdrawal of the US military?

The agreement between the Taliban and the United States of America is crucial for the South Asia region. This year probably this could be the best news, if both parties agree on a deal that is a solid and viable project for peace restoration and development of Afghanistan. Currently, the Ravi is writing positive progress in this regard but perhaps there are many complications in this process. At the honorable return of his army in the past two years, Ramaamandana is a major victory over the Taliban, and on the other hand It is also the same claim that the Taliban had a great success to guarantee the Afghan soil not to be used for external attacks, and that was their purpose. After the 17-year war, if the United States has realized that it has lost its strength and technology rather than winning this war, and because of its war, where its economy was overwhelmed there, the morale of its army and people This is really a big success in the Taliban, even if it's falling down. In all scenarios where regional powers, such as China, Russia's role, have been especially important, Pakistan and Iran's role can not be ignored. Pakistan has played a joker in bringing the negotiator to negotiate table. Pakistan's relations can significantly improve, while currently this role in Pakistan is being given significant importance to the past. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE hostages will definitely be remembered in the positive role these countries have played. However, despite all this, the opposition of the Kabul administration is being kept away from peace negotiations because of which there are many suspicious doubts in the process of peace talks.

Although the Kabul administration is not opposing the talks, however, it continues to express its reservations. The American Special Representative for Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad, who is constantly looking forward to the Afghan peace process, talks after a six-day talks in Doha. Arriving in Kabul, the Kolkata administration has been confident and in the final phase, the Taliban will be pleased to sit with the Ashraf Ghani government. It seems like Ashraf Ghani's video message on Sunday Sunday that the Kabul administration looks quite upset on the Taliban's direct talks. There was no unanimous decision yet by accepting the terms of war by the Taliban. The Taliban representatives, where the Americans are serious to withdraw their forces, earn money for the withdrawal of all foreign troops for warlords. The Taliban and the United States's united agreement still have the withdrawal of the US military The scenery is quite foggy. The United States representative says basic issues have been fixed, but the remains are pending, while the fact that there is no progress on the basic issues yet. That is why the analysts are predicting the major front of civil war once again after the withdrawal of the US Army. At present, there are different challenges facing two fronts. There is a challenge to establish a transitional government on political front because it is impossible to see political formation. The Taleban want not only to join the government but also want to represent a high position so that they can use their own option in difficult decisions, on the other hand, the Kabul administration is looking hard to prepare for any interim government. Kabul administration is a difficult tour on this occasion. It is difficult to see Ashraf Ghani's role in the coalition government. It is difficult to agree with both the parties, because the Taliban have made Ashraf Ghani a "puppet" president. Have been declared. The Taliban will have to talk to Ashraf Ghani for that political will be formed. If there is no agreement on the process of both sides, then civil war can begin massively. It is also worth mentioning that the administration of the Kabul administration is at very few parts outside Kabul, whereas the Taliban control almost half of Afghanistan. Similarly, former fighters and Afghan leader, wisdom, are also part of Kabul administration. They disappear from all of this scenario, but on the occasion of the formation of interim government, they will not be able to escape from any action. Therefore, global analysts are forced to think that the involvement in the negotiation of the Kakoba administration can give rise to a new political crisis, which can lead to an outcome of corruption.

 The second biggest challenge for peace talks is to maintain peace and security. The US claims that the Taliban have assured them that Al Qaeda or ISIS should not use Afghan soil to attack against the US or its allies. The existence of the existence may now have been often killed or has already been in Da'sh, not present in Afghanistan. However, presence of ISIS is not only for the Kabul administration, but also a major threat to other countries including Pakistan. The Taliban do not have political or ideological impact on ISIS, while in many places, ISIS and the Taliban have been struggling with each other. This shows that the Taliban are not in the position of guaranteeing ISIS right now. On the other hand, the Afghan National Police is not even able to maintain peace and security. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has admitted that more than 45,000 Afghan military forces or police have been killed since 2014. These figures are when the US and NATO forces are present in Afghanistan but after their withdrawal Situation of the situation can be done with these figures. In the 18 months period, if all foreign troops, including the United States, are evacuated, Will Kayakki security forces stop Iraq's attacks alongside existing lords in Afghanistan? No answer to this question currently. Its only solution to which the Kabul administration and the Taliban should also be pleased, is the establishment of the Regional Peace Force. Gulf states and Central Asian states, including Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran, make a positive contribution Want to Therefore, if the peace force of Russia, Pakistan, Pakistan and other regional countries united, for some time, it will be a very positive step for the region.

Doha is going to start next round of Doha talks in the last week of February. If the Kabul administration becomes a part of this dialogue, perhaps a political formula can be fixed, but it can be waited for the moment. Similarly, on February 5 another meeting is going to host Russia Is . In this meeting, Russia, China and other regional countries, including Pakistan will sit in peace for peace in Afghanistan. Just as the last century's biggest episode in South Asia found out Russia's withdrawal from Afghanistan and the United States of America, the growth of this century will be that in the 17-year war, Afghan nation forced to force another superpower. Given.

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