Sunday, February 24, 2019

A look at the deal with the United Arab Emirates of India

Indian Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, visited the United Arab Emirates on 16-17 aug 2015, on the invitation of Nandindamudhi Krauu Prince Prince Bin Zeddalenehyan on his first visit to the United Arab Emirates twice. The second time, 10-11 February, Then visited the United Arab Emirates in 2018, and in the same way Prince Mohammad Bin Zaid of the United Arab Emirates was first held in February 2016, February 2016 and the second time in January 2017 and with him Deputy Deputy Commander of the armed forces of the Emirate. Which special agreement was signed between the two countries, Prime Minister Modi's visit to the first Arab Emirates Because of the 34 years, an Indian prime minister got to go to UAE after that. In 1981, India's Prime Minister Indra Gandhi visited the United Arab Emirates. It is said that if someone goes home to someone else late There is more honor increase, and how accurately this proved to be, you can make sure that you can make sure that the agreement between the two countries can be resolved. And Modi has the opportunity to address Dubai Cricket Stadium in the Arab Emirates If given by Pakistan, we were shocked to declare terrorism as a country and fifty in the entire stadium Thousands of people have seen looting, but well, the government of both the two countries met at least 72 articles, which are said to have been kept secret, and some were displayed but due to the expansion agreement too long It is not possible to describe the same time here, so we look at the specific articles. It was decided that after now we will keep in view that any religious group using both their fault is wrong Can not promote hate hatred or commit terrorism to gain political ambitions, apart from each other By conferring religious scholar, intellectuals, conferences will hold conferences, which will be aimed at creating brotherhood among different religions, teaching the religions while living in the peace and security circle, looking at terrorism matters. The secret agencies of the other would have to face operations, where the country felt that it was terrorists, will vote against the United Nations, and we also do each other in training the law enforcement agencies. With the promotion of economic harmony, exchange of information regarding cyber security Yes, there will be a series of interaction between the National Security Advisor and the National Security Council to ensure that their representatives will meet each other for each six months, to protect the security of the two countries. Empowerment can be achieved and cooperate with the help of cooperation, the Emirate will cooperate in the preparation of combat goods in India, calling all the nations together with respect to safeguard their affairs so that terrorism in the region Or events like violence can not happen, as well as promote trade between the two countries UAE's investment-making institutions will be encouraged so that they can invest their money in India, the United Arab Emirates invested $ 75 billion in the streets of India's railways, ports, roads, airports and industrial factories. Will, for the defense of defense relations, along with the promotion of coastal defense regularly, bad, naval, aerial forces and special force training exercises of both countries will be implemented, in addition to the rule of Prince Zaid Nahyan India on 10-12 February 2016. When visiting a visit, then if your business partner reviewed the trade issues of India, then it would be known The bilateral trade balance of US $ 59 billion was set up, which was just the beginning of the country like India to engage in development, then on 24-26 January 2017, on the occasion of celebrating India's Republic Day As a guest, Azeed-ul-Din was invited and the talks between the leaders of both the countries were discussed by security and Narendra Modi called upon Crown Prince as well as saying that terrorism condemns us severely and Terrorism can not be tolerated in the region, it indicates the indication at the time of Pakistan, and Modi also named the rest of the states. Tell the scholars who promote terrorism or sectarianism in their country, in which Crown Prince Zaid-ul-Haqan pledged to quit the security of India, by eliminating terrorism and sectarianism, and all countries The name Modi provided them against the United Nations, also stressed to take a call in the UN. According to the laws of the United Nations and international law, the terrorist network, financial assistance, and extremist movement movement in the country Understanding and punishing countries who trust this double game right for another country both countries Now, it is a request to read readers that when we deal with all the agreements with the Arab Emirates, we used to stay just two subjects in Pakistan, a Panama Lax and another Imran Khan marriage. It is not important to look at this point, but it is not even important, and today, the Saudi governing body, Salman Bin Mohammad, brought Pakistan to Imran Khan's government, instead of discussing major projects, demanding release of prisoners in Saudi Arabia Although this demand is of little importance, this demand could be encouraged at the end. And the remaining $ 2 billion investment was announced by the Saudi Wali-e-Azam, that Nawaz Sharif immediately gave up that I had already agreed to Saudi Arabia on this investment. But in fact, since Imran Khan's government has been formed, it seems difficult to rearrange the projects of the previous government again and again, but we hope that perhaps the situation in our country is dear to Pakistan. Make some improvements for years.

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